John Hess

Woven Textiles

HexagoniaCubesDecoPompeiTunnel Vision


Salt Lake City

A four block black/white wool double weave showing hexagons in various sizes, some are with simple painted hexagon outlines, while others are painted 3D illusions resembling metallic box shapes. Some of these have top entry boxes, while others have opposing front entry positions . There is a large center hexagon showing dk./lt. reversal lines creating optical vibrations.

Metallic paint on wool double weave
33 inches x 39 inches x 0.5 inches



Salt Lake City

A wool twill weaving depicting painted 3D illusions of open boxes and cubes with the inside dark woven layers showing through openings in light top layer.

Metallic paint on double weave twill
24“w x 28“h x 2“d



Salt Lake City

A weaving showing 3D illusions of open box shapes on large metallic painted circles and repeating extended diamond shapes.

Fabric paint and metallic paint on cotton twill double weave
24“w x 28“h x 2.5“d



Salt Lake City

A band of repeating double woven cotton patterns separating a pyramid of painted, rising and receding step patterns leading to an enclosed box painted with emerging mythological animals. At opposite end, an illusionary 3D form and an elongated box with more step patterns and other mythological animals emerging. This is a two section work, with the 2nd section wrapping around the corner wall creating similar motifs. The top, culminating in a painted spiraling motif, signifying the dominant sun centered overseer.

Cotton double weave, paint on wood backing


Tunnel Vision

Salt Lake City

A painted 3D illusion of elongated boxes, with the bottom metallic images in mirrored advancing and receding shapes.

Cotton pattern weave,fabric and metallic paints
12“w x 16“h x .5“d

Tunnel Vision